How to Install Family Tree Maker 2019?
Once you place an order for the Family Tree Maker 2019, you get the download link on the screen. You will find two links, one for Windows and the other for the Mac operating system. You can choose to click on the download link according to what your computer operating system is. You can also use FTM 2019 on a new computer easily. For this, you need to purchase FTM 2019 Family Pack, if you use this on multiple computers.
Download the Link on the Webpage
It might be possible that you order the Family Tree Maker and skip downloading it for later. Because many users have discrepancies in their tree, they want to work on it before installing the new Family Tree Maker 2019.
Download the Link on the Email
If you have the same scenario, you do not have to worry about it. You also get the download link in your email as soon as you complete the purchase of Family Tree Maker 2019. You can search for the email sent to you from Mackiev.
Download from Upgrade Center
Many users have a habit of keeping their inboxes neat and clean. So, what they do is, periodically remove the unwanted emails. In that process, they sometimes unintentionally remove the important ones too. If you also have removed the email by mistake, there is a way to install the Family Tree Maker 2019.
You can pick up the download link at Upgrade Center. You just need to do the web search for “Family Tree Maker 2019 Upgrade Center”. Click on the web result “Upgrade Center the Software MacKiev Company.” Fill out the form, and make sure you enter the same email address which you entered at the time of order.
Once you fill out all the details, click on Verify User. You will get a message saying, “ You may download your Family Tree Maker 2019 copy for free”. You can click on the Continue to proceed further.
Install Family Tree Maker 2019 Step By Step
Once you click on the download link, the file “FTM2019Updater01.exe” will start to download. Once the download is complete. Go into the download folder and double-click on the file to start the installation process.
Read Also: Recover FTM 2019 Lost Icon
While you go through the installation wizard on the screen of your computer, click on all the positive options. Once the installation is complete, you will get the new Family Tree Maker 2019 icon on the home screen of your computer.
Register your Copy of the New Family Tree Maker 2019
Go about registering your copy of Family Tree Maker 2019. It asks for your name, email address, or the last Family Tree Maker software that you had. Once you fill everything in, click on next. You have successfully registered the copy under your name.
Creating an Account with Tree Vault Service
On the next screen, you can create a Tree Vault account. It is one of the latest features of Family Tree Maker 2019. It is an online cloud backup service where you can upload one of your best trees for Emergency Tree Restore, in case you lose your tree. It will also create an Antenna Tree, which you can access on your hand-held device like an iPad or iPhone by downloading Family Tree Maker Connect App.
The Tree Vault Service is not a normal cloud service like Dropbox. With online cloud services your tree is up to date as the last time, you uploaded your tree. However, with Tree Vault Online Cloud Service, your tree is up-to-date real-time.
You also have the changelogs in the Tree Vault Antenna Tree. Which helps you to roll back to the last one thousand changes you made on your Family Tree Maker tree.
This is how you can install family tree maker 2019 by following simple steps. If you need any help regarding family tree maker 2019 software then contact us.
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