How to Fix Error Slow and Freezes in Family Tree Maker Software?

How To Fix Slow And Freeze Issues In Family Tree?

In this blog, you will learn how to Fix Error Slow and Freezes in Family Tree Maker Software. You will be able to resolve this problem if you read this article and follow the procedures below.

Steps To Fix Error Slow And Freezes In Family Tree

Here are a few steps if Family Tree Maker is running slowly and freezing more frequently than in the past.

First, check the system compatibility:-

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 10 is the operating system for Windows computers.
  • A minimum of 900MB of hard disc space and 4 GB of RAM are required, as well as a screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels.
  • An Operating system for Apple devices – OS X 10.10 or later, including macOS Catalina 10.15.
  • 4GB RAM 1280×800 screen resolution.

Fix Error Slow and Freezes in Family Tree:-

  • The program’s compact function will aid in file compression.
  • The tree file will be re-indexed.
  • In addition, the unneeded data will be removed.
  • Improves the tree’s performance.

Duplicate people and source citations should be merged:-

  • To make the tree file smaller, merge the duplicates.
  • It improves the efficiency of the tree file.

Work Offline:-

  • If you temporarily block internet connectivity and work offline, you can considerably improve the performance of the family tree.
  • Go offline by selecting the File menu’s second last option.
  • Turn off the automated hints option in ancestry and family search if you don’t want to go offline.
  • “Show hints from Ancestry and Family Search” should be unchecked.
  • To disable the quick field, go to the menu and select tools.
  • Select ” options”.
  • Uncheck all of the items in the “use fast fields for” section.

If none of the procedures above assist in enhancing performance, there is something else on the device that has to be fixed. It’s possible that there’s an issue with your antivirus software. The performance issue could potentially be caused by pending updates or a recently failed update.

The device tune-up and cleanup could be the root of the problem. However, in some cases, the disc check will require fixing the sluggish performance. Phone and remote support may be of great assistance in identifying the cause of Slow and Freezes in the Family Tree and Fix Error Slow and Freezes in Family Tree.

Need Help    

If you face any problem regarding Error Slow and Freezes in Family Tree. So you can contact us at Family Tree Maker Help Number +1-800-410-2443. Our expert team will provide you with better service.

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