How To Restore Tree From Ancestry?

What do you do if you have a tree on ancestry and your computer crashes? Are you going to start working on a new tree? No, you can restore tree from ancestry with simple steps. Please read our full post carefully and follow the given steps one by one.

As we know how popular is ancestry and it has the largest genealogical database. This is one of the most positive reasons for using ancestry for making a family tree. Millions of family trees are in the ancestry database, which helps find your ancestors.

You can also restore your family tree even if you don’t have any backup. This post will tell you how to fix your tree from ancestry to family tree maker with simple steps.

Steps To Restore Tree From Ancestry

Here we will tell you two ways to restore the tree from ancestry. Please check both methods and choose the best one for you.

Step 1:

The first way is to sign into your ancestry account and search for your family tree. When you get your tree, then download it now from ancestry.

But using this method, you have to face some limitations that you will check in the further paragraphs.

Data That You Can Get Back From Ancestry During Restore Your Tree

When you directly download a tree from ancestry, you will get people’s names, facts, relationships, citations, media, and other essential information.

Data That You Can’t Get After Restore

There are some records that you can’t get after restoring. For example, you will lose your research notes, fact notes, relationship notes, and personal data after fixing the tree.

Step 2:

The second step is retrieving the ancestry’s restored tree in the GEDCOM file. So yes, you can restore trees easily and quickly by creating a GEDCOM file.

A GEDCOM file stands for Genealogical Data Communications. It is a universally acceptable format file that is supported by all trees.

But if you restore your family tree using a GEDCOM file, you will lose your photos, charts, books, and related items from your original family tree. Because GEDCOM file support only text files. You need to insert all these things manually.

How To Create GEDCOM File In Ancestry – Step By Step Guide?

Please check the instructions for making a GEDCOM file so you can quickly restore tree from ancestry.

  1. Open your ancestry account and then click on the trees tab.
  2. Choose the tree by which you want to create the GEDCOM file.
  3. Go to tree setting and choose an export tree.
  4. After this, you will see a message “Generating a GEDCOM file.”
  5. Save the file by choosing the location on your computer.

By following the above steps, you can easily create a GEDCOM file. But remember that while starting a GEDCOM file, you may face some issues we have given below.

Issues That You Can Face During Creation GEDCOM File

The file Stuck During Generating

Sometimes you will see a message on your computer screen “generating GEDCOM more than 15 minutes”. In such a condition, you need to refresh your page and try again. But if the same message shows again, you need to clear your computer browser cache or cookies.

If you don’t know how to do this, then for your help, we give some steps given below; please check them.

  1. First, open your computer browser and click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner.
  2. Select precise browsing data from more tools options.
  3. Then select the cookies and other site data for clarity.
  4. Click on the transparent option, and your browser cookies and cache will be cleared.

This is how you can clear your browser’s cookies and cache, so you don’t face file-stuck issues.

Links And Button Don’t Work

This is the second issue you can face while creating a GEDCOM file. In this case, you need to do the same process you did in the stuck file problem. You can get rid of this issue by clearing your browser cookies and cache.


This is how you can quickly restore tree from ancestry and eliminate the issues you may face. We hope this post is going to be beneficial to you.

If you need help or support restoring trees from ancestry, you can call the family tree make help anytime. For a quick response, feel free to contact the family tree maker help number at +1-800-410-2443. We are happy to help you and ready 24/7.

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